REGISTER NOW: 2025 Winter Doubles ScambleWhite snowflake against black background

Sign up by end of day on Monday, December 30, to participate in our first event of the New Year!  When: Saturday, January 4; 3-5:30 p.m. (3 p.m. check-in and warm-up, 3:30 play begins) Where: Northwestern University’s Combe Tennis Center, …

2024 Fall Tournament RESULTS

Thank you to everyone who participated in our fall tournament and shout out to our winners!

2024 Thanksgiving Weekend Doubles Scramble REGISTRATIONorange tennis ball

Register for our November 30 event–no partner required!–by November 25!

Act Now: Special City Meeting to Determine Tennis Courts to be Converted to Pickleball Only

Please register to attend the September 18 Parks & Rec that is designated for Evanston residents who identify first and foremost as tennis players.

ACTION NEEDED: Evanston Parks & Rec to discuss conversion of tennis courts to pickleball only

Please plan on attending a meeting tomorrow/Thursday night, July 18, at 6 p.m. at the Civic Center to discuss the construction of pickleball courts at James Park and the striping of even more Evanston tennis courts for pickleball or even making courts such as those at Ackerman dedicated to pickleball only!